Advisor Dubai - Unlock the Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Company in Dubai - Discover the Step-by-Step Process!

Unlock the Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Company in Dubai - Discover the Step-by-Step Process!

8th June 2023

These are just a few of the top business sectors in the UAE, each offering its own unique opportunities and potential for growth. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or an established business looking to expand, the UAE's vibrant economy and supportive business environment make it an ideal destination to explore and capitalize on these lucrative sectors.


Starting a company in Dubai is a straightforward process that offers great opportunities for investors. Here are the key steps involved:

1. Determine the Type of Economic Activities: Choose the specific business activity your company will engage in, as it will determine the required license.

2. Select a Legal Form for Your Business: Consider the type of business activity and the nationality of the owners to determine the appropriate legal form.

3. Choose a Trade Name: Select a trade name that reflects the nature of your business, unless it is a branch of another company.

4. Obtain an Initial Approval Certificate: This certificate confirms that the Dubai government has no objection to your business and allows you to proceed with the licensing process.

5. Prepare the Memorandum and Articles of Association: These legal documents outline the purpose of your business and establish its rules and regulations.

6. Establish a Business Location: Ensure your company has a physical address as per the requirements of Dubai.

7. Obtain Approval from the Dubai Department of Economy & Tourism (DET): Submit all necessary documents to the DET for final approval of your business.

8. Obtain the Required Licenses: Depending on your business type, acquire the necessary licenses such as trade, professional, or industrial licenses.

9. Register with the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry: All new businesses must register with the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


Required documents typically include:

- Completed application form

- Business plan

- Coloured passport copies of shareholders and appointed Manager/Director

- NOC from the current sponsor (for individuals)

- Ejari Certificate (attested Tenancy Contract) for the commercial space


It's important to note that the process and document requirements may vary depending on the specific business type and the chosen free zone. It is recommended to seek guidance from a trusted business setup consultant like Adam Global to ensure compliance with all requirements for your particular situation.

Navigating the complexities of setting up a business can be overwhelming, especially for newcomers. That's why choosing Advisor Dubai is a smart decision that saves you time, effort, and money. We offer:

Expert Guidance: Our team of experienced professionals will provide you with expert guidance throughout the entire process, ensuring you make informed decisions that lead to optimal results.

Hassle-Free Process: Leave the burdensome paperwork to us. Our dedicated team will handle all administrative tasks, freeing up your valuable time and energy to focus on your core business activities.

Global Network: With our extensive connections and strategic partnerships, we open doors for your business to expand beyond Dubai. Tap into new markets and growth opportunities worldwide with our global network.

Tailored Solutions: We understand that every business is unique. Our services are customized to meet your specific needs, providing tailored support and solutions that align with your goals and objectives.

Commitment to Success: Your success is our priority. With our unwavering dedication, expertise, and ongoing support, we navigate challenges and steer your business towards new horizons.

Choose Advisor Dubai as your trusted partner and experience the difference our expert guidance, hassle-free process, global network, tailored solutions, and unwavering commitment to your success can make. Let us propel your business towards unprecedented achievements.

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Boutique advisory firm based in Dubai,  offering tailored strategies for company setup, tax planning, accounting, investor or golden visas, banking, and property investment.